Saturday 5 December 2015

I am a leftist.

That's right.  I'm claiming that term.  Leftist.  There I said it.  I am a leftist.

I know that those on the right of the political spectrum, use the term leftist as an insult.  I'm not sure why they think it's such an insult, but they sure sling it around in internet comments.  Things like "oh you're such a leftist, tolerant of everything, but me."

Slinging insults, that don't make sense isn't going to make me change my mind.  It is going to make me think you're an idiot.  It's going to make me not like you very much.  It's not going to make me vote the way you want me to vote.

I was born into a political family.  I'm not going to provide a complete political genealogy, but my mother's parents were very active in one political party, and my father's parents were very active in another political party.  I'm related to more than one politician.  With a family like that, I had no choice but to learn about politics growing up.  Political discussions, disagreements and arguments filled family get-togethers.

I've been active in elections, worked for Elections Canada during elections, volunteered for campaigns, and generally have been well informed.

Although I'm a leftist, most media outlets are not leftists.  They are on the far right.  The globe and mail endorsed the conservatives, but not Harper.  The CBC started attacking Justin Trudeau as soon as he was elected.  Rosemary Barton was elated, and Peter Mansbridge told her not to be.  Trudeaumania hasn't been reported, but it is there.  Even other countries like our new Prime Minister.

I'm tired of one sided and slanted reporting, and I'm not going to rely on it anymore.  And you don't have to either.  I signed up for media and press releases directly from the Federal Government (note it's not the Harper Government anymore), and each week on Saturday, I will summarize all of the government news, right here on this blog, and you can read it without a far right biased.

If I don't see anything interesting in the press releases, I'll provide a political commentary.

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