Saturday 12 December 2015

Duffy, Refugees, Nobel Physics Prise, and other things in Canadian Politics that happened this week.

Saturday.  The day I said I would tell you everything that went on in Canadian Politics.

A few things of interest happened.  Mike Duffy testified in his own trial.  His defence: The devil (oops no sorry uh that's) Harper made me do it.

Yes that, old sorry defence, has been rewritten and reused.  Apparently Mike Duffy doesn't have the ability to say "no".  He's conservative puppet, and even though he had reservations about saying he was from PEI, he did it anyway because Harper asked him too.

That excuse is just not good enough.  Not at all.  People do it all the time.  They disagree.  They say no.  They refuse.

Besides, isn't Duffy strong enough to stand up to JR (oops did it again - sorry wrong Duffy - not Patrick Duffy - Mike Duffy, you know that one that was charged with bribery over the paltry sum of $90,000.00).


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (at least he's not going by the Right Honourable Prime Minister Stephen Harper), but why would he, he's not Stephen Harper.  Our Prime Minister is Justin Trudeau, and he, not that other guy, went to Quebec City, to meet with Phillippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec.


Justin (I'll just call him that, because it's easier to write - well not if I include an explanation each time - but anyways), Justin congratulated Dr. Arthur B. McDonald for winning the Nobel Prize in Physics.

And so do I.  Congratulations Dr. McDonald.


Justin released several media advisories, telling reporters when he, and some of his cabinet ministers would be available for questioning.  If you aren't a reporter, which I'm not, those advisories are kinda boring and I won't go into them.  If you are a reporter, you don't need me to tell you about them, you probably signed up for the same email subscription from the PMO that I did.  And you're probably not reading this anyway.


So going on....


The first of 25,000 refugees arrived in Canada.  Justin, Kathleen Wynne, and several other dignitaries met them at Pearson International Airport.  The first group was a family with a 16 month old daughter.  I think their daughter was a terrorists.  You should see her when she has temper tantrums.


I love politics, but I know that some people find it dull and boring.  If your of the dull and boring variety (no not dull and boring people, I mean find politics dull and boring - sorry for the insult) I hope I made Canadian Politics a little bit more entertaining for you, and have informed you at the same time.

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